#1 Understanding Web Development Approaches: SSR, SSG, CSR, and SPA
In the ever-evolving world of web development, there are various approaches and architectures that developers can employ to build efficient and dynamic web applications. Among these approaches are Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), and the Single Page Application (SPA) architecture. Understanding the differences and benefits of each approach is crucial for making informed decisions when it comes to web development projects.
In this article, we will delve into these different approaches and explore their characteristics, use cases, and considerations. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of SSR, SSG, CSR, and SPA, enabling you to choose the most suitable approach for your web development needs.
Let’s dive in and uncover the intricacies of these web development approaches that shape the modern web landscape.
SSR(Server-Side Rendering) approach
In the SSR approach, the page is built on every request, and thus comes with the latest data, and only the files of this page are sent to the client with its data, and this approach supports flexibility in dealing with dynamic data, as well as if the user loads a specific post or updates its data, here The server will refresh the page and not ask the user to refresh the page because it will send him a file (HTML) only containing the latest update of data, for files (CSS, JS) files but if there is a real time communication technology it will solve the problem and the user will not need to refresh the page.
JavaScript frameworks (Next.js, Nuxt.js, Gatsby)
Projects that require dynamic and variable data processing
unsuitable :
Projects that require actual updating in a sequential manner, because here it is required that the communication tools be for real time, so the best is (SPA), as well as projects whose data are little changed and updated here is the best (SSG)
SSG(Static Site Generation) approach
In the SSG approach, the server builds interfaces according to code instructions (for example, Node.js instructions). The interfaces are prepared and built in advance, and also create paths for them in a dynamic way, where the developer does not need to specify the path of the page, the client must request the page and it will be provided for it speed because it is pre-prepared with its files (html, css, js), but if the user adds data to the page That is, the page here becomes interactive, it requires the developer to put code that explains to the interface how to interact with the command, and the results are invisible to the user until after the page is refreshed by the user, if the developer implements real-time refresh techniques, it will simplify the matter, but this The approach is customized and designed for projects whose data has not been updated or modified for a long time, if the data is updated dynamically (here the better approach would be SSR).
JavaScript frameworks (Next.js, Nuxt.js, Gatsby)
suitable :
Projects whose data is little changed and updated
unsuitable :
Projects that require dynamic and variable data processing, because the developer must have added instructions that deal with such matters, but this approach is not appropriate, so it is recommended to take the (SSR) approach.
CSR (Client-Side Rendering) approach
It is a web development approach, based on the concept that web pages are loaded upon the customer’s first visit to the site, then communication takes place between the client and the server through JavaScript instructions, so the data sent and received is in the form of (JSON) data, as it gives the ability to update the page automatically and in real time, and this approach is considered one of the most important things in the SBA architecture
JavaScript frameworks (Vue.js, Angular, or React) or C# framework (Blazer)
For projects that require updating their data in real time without having to refresh the page.
unsuitable :
For projects that prefer the update to be on the server side, here it is better to use (SSR), or the application data is not updateable or little, and here it is like static data, so it is preferable to use (SSG).
SPA (Single-Page Application) architecture
In this architecture, there are principles at work that the developer must take into account
Single HTML page, client-side rendering, routing, data retrieval through APIs state management, improved user experience
These principles, when achieved, will have a structure (SPA). The goal of this method is to download site files for the client on their first visit (this will slow performance and increase load in the first stage). After that, any update on the interfaces, the communication between the site and the server takes place through data (in JSON format) and receives data in the same format, and here the developer is required to build a pre-prepared API. Here it is easy to deal with real-time tools, because it provides most of its functions, so it is a powerful approach for projects that require high performance, and it can also be used in more than one approach, for example, the (SSR) approach can be added instead of the (CSR) approach, but in Most client-side work is preferred, required, and appropriate on projects you are working on with an SBA.
JavaScript frameworks (Vue.js, Angular, or React) or C# framework (Blazer)
suitable :
For projects that require real-time data update as well as seamless real-time communication development, real-time communication development is easy and simple
unsuitable :
For projects whose data is simple to change and does not need to be weighed in the initial load of the site, where SSR is preferred, or projects whose data does not talk for a long time, where the (SSG) approach is best for that
I hope that the topic has been clarified in a simple and understandable way. What remains is web development following the problem that you are trying to solve. Therefore, these four approaches help solve most of the project models that you can design. Also, part of it falls on the developer who must be fully aware of his choice as well as aware For the approach that he wanted to apply in the project.
I wish you success and glad that you are reading my article